I picked up my new "Honey" yesterday and she looks pretty fine.
I spent much of my day gardening as everything is overgrown! I found a wonderful book full of natural ways to look after your garden...what a find! We borrowed it from the library to make sure it was something we might use and today I made up an elixir for my roses and a concoction for black spot. Now we wait. There was a tip on how to keep cats from using your garden as their litter box! I like cats but for some reason some of the plants aren't doing as well this year and I may now know the reason. Take a cotton ball and dip it in lemon furniture polish and place it in the soil where you think the cat might be going. It's worth a try! I just came in from taking a swim...the house is so hot and I don't want to use the air as it does cool down overnight. Our friend's mother passed away last night. So sad for them. I made a sympathy card and will upload it tomorrow and post. I must try getting some sleep as it has been a long day! Good night!

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